Like many of its neighbours on the south coast of England, Portsmouth has all the right geographical features to make it an excellent place to learn various watersports. Yachting and sailing are particularly popular past times and there is also a popular rowing club situated on the seafront at Southsea. This means there are plenty of specialist Portsmouth sports shops – with sailing and chandlery shops proving particularly thriving. An example of this is Solent Marine Chandlery in the nearby Gosport.
It’s not all about getting wet though. Players like Peter Crouch and Sol Campbell have helped make Portsmouth’s football team a household name – and the large shopping centres, Gunwharfs Quays and Cascades, collectively house a staggering numbers of sports-related stores. Sports fashion shops are especially well represented here in Portsmouth, with big names like Oakley, Gul, Fred Perry, Adidas and Rip Curl being among the household name brands that have dedicated shops here.